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    Direct Load Control for Creating Alternative Power System Resources Using Distributed Energy Storage Devices

    时间:2021-12-13 19:54  作者:  来源:yl34511线路中心  阅读量:

    时间 教室



    报告人:曹博(Research AssociateDr Bo CAO


    Bo Cao received his Ph.D. degree from the University of New Brunswick, Canada, in 2015. He is currently a Research Associate with the Emera and NB Power Research Centre for Smart Grid Technologies at University of New Brunswick. His expertise lies in the areas of distributed generation systems, electric vehicle integration, power electronics and renewable energy conversion. He has led several innovation projects as Principal investigator (PI) or Co-Pi on distributed generation and power electronics technologies, and has also been closely involved as both a theme leader and a leading researcher in many multi-disciplinary and multi-partner national research projects.


    Large scale penetration of renewable energy resources is challenging for power system operation, which requires more additional power system resources to maintain a balance between load and generation. Compared with traditional dispatchable central generation plants such as hydro and thermal generation stations, distributed energy storage devices such as domestic electric water heaters (DEWHs), electric thermal storage (ETS) units and electric vehicles (EVs), show potential to create huge dispatchable capacity against the limitations imposed by environmental concerns and capital expenditure constraints. This talk will focus on the technologies of advanced modeling, forecasting and control strategies for DEWHs, ETSs and EVs to maximize their capacities for a variety of ancillary services. In addition, the techniques used for practical applications of direct load control will also be introduced and discussed.

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